How to Overgrip Pickleball Paddle

How To Overgrip A Pickleball Paddle – Detailed Guide

Are you ready to take your pickleball game to the next level? One simple yet effective way to improve your grip and control on the paddle is by overgripping it. 

Overgripping not only enhances your performance on the court but also provides a comfortable and secure hold during intense rallies. To overgrip a pickleball paddle, remove the existing grip and tightly wrap the overgrip tape around the handle, overlapping each wrap.

Learn how to overgrip a pickleball paddle like a pro in six simple steps. Discover the benefits it brings to your game. Get ready to enhance your gameplay by following this exciting guide!

How To Overgrip A Pickleball Paddle – 6 Detailed Steps

Overgripping your pickleball paddle can greatly improve your grip control and overall playing experience. Here are six detailed steps to guide you through the process:

Step 1: Clean the Paddle

Before you begin overgripping your pickleball paddle, it’s crucial to ensure that the surface is clean and free from any dirt or residue. Use a damp cloth or sponge to wipe away any grime, sweat, or dust that may have accumulated during gameplay. This will provide a smooth and even base for the overgrip.

Step 2: Remove Old Grip (If Applicable)

If there is an existing grip on your paddle that needs replacing or if you simply prefer a fresh start, carefully remove it using a grip removal tool or by peeling it off slowly. Make sure not to damage the underlying surface of the handle while doing this.

Step 3: Prepare Your Overgrip

Unroll your chosen overgrip, ensuring that it is long enough to cover the entire length of your paddle’s handle comfortably. Hold one end firmly and use your other hand to stretch out the grip slightly before starting.

Step 4: Start at The Bottom

Begin wrapping the overgrip around the bottom of the handle in an overlapping motion. Keep each wrap snug but not too tight as you work your way up towards the top of the handle. Ensure that there are no wrinkles or gaps between wraps for optimal comfort and control.

Step 5: Secure with Tape (Optional)

To further secure your overgrip in place and prevent unraveling during intense gameplay, you can use some finishing tape at both ends of the grip. This step is optional but recommended for added durability.

Step 6: Test Your Grip

Once you’ve completed wrapping and securing your overgrip, give it a test run! Take some practice swings with your newly gripped paddle to see how it feels in hand. If needed, make any adjustments such as tightening or loosening certain sections until you find a comfortable grip that suits your playing style.
By following these six detailed steps, you can overgrip your pickleball paddle with ease and precision.

Why You Should Overgrip Your Pickleball Paddle

When it comes to playing pickleball, having a secure and comfortable grip on your paddle is really important. While the standard grip is fine for many players, there are some good reasons to consider overgripping your paddle.

  • Using an overgrip adds extra cushioning and shock absorption, which can be helpful if you have joint pain or sensitive hands. It reduces the impact on your hand and wrist during play, allowing you to focus more on the game.
  • An overgrip also improves your control and feel for the ball. It adds a layer of tackiness to the handle, giving you a better grip and preventing your hand from slipping during intense rallies. With improved control, you can make more precise shots and perform better overall.
  • The other advantage of overgripping is that it extends the lifespan of your paddle. The original grip can wear down over time due to regular use, but an overgrip provides a fresh layer of protection. It keeps the underlying grip in better condition for longer.
  • Overgrips are versatile too. They come in different thicknesses and materials, so you can choose one that suits your personal preference. Whether you want a thicker or thinner grip or something that absorbs sweat well, there’s an overgrip option for you.

Overall, overgripping your pickleball paddle offers many benefits in terms of comfort, control, durability, and customization. It’s a small investment that can greatly enhance your gameplay experience, whether you’re a beginner or an experienced player.

How To Choose The Right Size Pickleball Paddle 

Finding the right size pickleball paddle is essential for optimal performance on the court. Here are some tips to help you navigate the process:

Consider Your Hand Size

Choose a paddle with a grip size that feels comfortable in your hand. Smaller hands may prefer a smaller grip, while larger hands may require a bigger grip for better control.

Assess Your Playing Style and Skill Level

Determine if you’re an aggressive player who values power or a finesse player who prioritizes precision and placement. Power players may benefit from a heavier paddle with a larger sweet spot, while finesse players might prefer a lighter paddle with more control.

Take Your Physical Strength and Any Existing Injuries Into Account

If you have limited upper body strength or are prone to arm fatigue, opt for a lighter weight paddle to avoid strain and discomfort during play.

Test Out Different Paddles

Visit sporting goods stores that offer paddle demo programs to try out various models. This hands-on experience will help you gauge which paddle feels the most comfortable and suits your playing style.

By considering these factors and investing time in finding the right size paddle, you’ll be equipped with a paddle that enhances your performance and enjoyment of the game.


Overgripping your pickleball paddle improves your game by providing increased control, reduced vibration, and enhanced ball feel. Choose the right overgrip for your playing style. Also, ensure a properly sized paddle for optimal performance. Don’t underestimate the benefits of overgripping – invest some time and effort for improved grip and gameplay. Give it a try and take your game to new heights! Happy Pickleballing!


Do I need an overgrip on my pickleball paddle?

Using an overgrip on your pickleball paddle is a personal preference.

How do you put an overgrip on a pickleball paddle?

To put an overgrip on a pickleball paddle, remove any existing grip, peel the backing from the overgrip tape, and tightly wrap it around the handle, overlapping each wrap slightly.

How do you wrap a pickleball paddle?

To wrap a pickleball paddle, start by removing any existing grip or overgrip. Then, apply a new grip or overgrip by tightly wrapping it around the handle, ensuring a secure and smooth application.

What does an overgrip do in pickleball?

An overgrip in pickleball provides additional cushioning, tackiness, and sweat absorption. It can enhance comfort, grip feel, and reduce vibrations during gameplay.

What is the difference between grip and overgrip?

A grip is the base layer of padding and traction directly attached to the handle of a pickleball paddle, while an overgrip is a thinner layer applied on top of the grip to enhance grip feel and performance.

Can you use overgrip as normal grip?

Overgrips are designed to be used on top of an existing grip. While they can technically be used as a regular grip, they are generally thinner and may not provide the same level of cushioning and durability.

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